Platform for the creative team

This page is will mainly be dedicated to ensure that our creative team is able to use Platform and WordPress effectively when we are writing out the content into the site. A lot of the pre work will be done before the website comes to you, but this should be used so that you feel comfortable working within Platform and WordPress in case you ever need to make any adjustments.

If there is anything that is not in the list below that you believe should be, please let the development team know and we can get the documentation ready

Navigating WordPress

Working directly on a website can be a bit of learning curve, this video will be used to show you how to maneuver around the website and a quick over view of the website itself.

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Creating and Editing Sections

Generally majority of the website will be setup for you prior to you receiving it. This training is used to ensure that you feel comfortable adding sections in cases you ever need to. This video will cover the following:

  • Adding links, creating lists, bolding text
  • Checking to make sure you haven’t pasted extraneous html into the page

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Deleting Sections / Components

If we are adding / creating sections, it is just as important to know how to remove them. This video will cover how to remove components within sections and also how to remove complete sections.

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Editing / Adding the H1 (Homepage and Supporting)

The home page H1 is located on a special page, and the supporting H1 needs to be placed in a specific section on the page. The video below will go over everything you need to know about H1s.

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Adding Accordions

Accordions are easy to add but they dont go without their slight nuances, the video below will walk you through how to add one to any section you need. It is important to know that some Platform Sections do not work well with accordions, please see the notes for the specific section if needed.

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Adding Buttons

Buttons are easy to add, let us teach you fastest and best way to go about it!

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Adding Meta Titles and Descriptions

This is done for SEO and through one of the most reputable SEO plugins (All in one SEO). The video below walks you through everything you need to know. If for any reason you are unable to see the necessary sections or boxes please let a member of the development team know and they will be able to get it adjusted.

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Saving and Publishing

This the last step we need to do once we are done creating the page, the brief video below will go into any nuances that may arise!

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Adding Home Hero Buttons

Just like the H1 the buttons for the homepage hero are adding in a specific location, this video will show you where to add these buttons.

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Adding the Staff Section

This section is specific to the practice our about us page, we have created a special block to make this easier and readily available for anyone to use. The video below will go through everything you need to know.

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