User QA Group


N/A: Check for dead links

N/A: Check the site both on desktop and mobile

N/A: Check for placeholder content

Note: No lorem ipsum on the site

N/A: Check for cracked page flow and follows design

Note: The section shouldn't be too tall because of content

N/A: Does the blog post have an author?

N/A: Does the brands match to the practice?

N/A: Is the correct practice phone number on the website?

Note: Not call tracking #

N/A: Check for 301s

Note: Unless they don't have a current site

N/A: Placeholder Pages / Posts removed

N/A: Page and Content formatting appropriate on all pages

N/A: All pages have content

N/A: Footer includes copyright statement, and link back to our site

N/A: Ensure NAP is displayed properly

N/A: Business hours are on page

N/A: There is a contact us page

N/A: Does each page have a clear CTA?

N/A: Is it easy to book an appointment from homepage?

N/A: Is it easy to book an appointment from mobile?

N/A: Do all CTAs have a clear action statement?

Note: i.e. not just "Learn More"

N/A: Does each page make sense?

Note: (i.e. is there enough content on the page, does the page have a purpose, does the organization of the page in the nav make sense)

N/A: All Navigation Items linked to corresponding page

N/A: Social Media Icons linked

N/A: Logo fits / linked / proper resolution

N/A: NAP information Outlined in Footer

N/A: Footer Navigation Linked

N/A: Mobile Sticky Nav is correct

Content Accuracy

N/A: Website follows approved content doc

N/A: Content Adjustments from ZiFlow are made

N/A: Address & Phone Number is Correct

N/A: Staff Names & Bios are added

N/A: Reviews have been pulled and added

N/A: All Buttons/Links are active and linked correctly


N/A: Favicons Published

N/A: Website Follows Design

N/A: Missing Assets are correct


N/A: Business Name is Correct

N/A: Has OPM been setup?

N/A: Has Google My Business been claimed?

N/A: Metas and descriptions are added/resourced

N/A: Blogs imported, Metas

N/A: Google Analytics Code Installed

N/A: Google Tag Manager Installed

N/A: Booking Forms Installed

N/A: External Links (Booking/Contact lenses etc) correct

N/A: Check for Broken links


N/A: Test Appointment Request Form

N/A: Privacy Policy Published

N/A: Terms and Conditions Published

N/A: Sitemap

N/A: 404 Page


Tool to use:
instagram facebook facebook2 pinterest twitter google-plus google linkedin2 yelp youtube phone location calendar share2 link star-full star star-half chevron-right chevron-left chevron-down chevron-up envelope fax