Tech QA Group


N/A: Comments are Disabled?

N/A: Using Gravity Forms?

N/A: ActiveDemand CSS Disabled?


N/A: Is 404 page exist?

N/A: Is 404 page informative?


N/A: Posts have featured images?

N/A: Posts have required meta: Author, Date Posted, Categories?

N/A: Lorem Posts Removed


N/A: Check XML sitemap (All and correct posts are on the site)

N/A: Page titles are descriptive and SEO friendly

Note: For most pages: %Page Title% | GEO is sufficient

N/A: Pages have custom descriptions

N/A: Home page title

Note: The Homepage title should't be %Page Title% | GEO, it needs something more handcrafted. Example: Eye Care | Friendly Optometrists | Chesapeake, VA

N/A: H1s used and only one H1 per page

N/A: 301 redirects for existing website are prepared and in place

N/A: Location page includes a google map


N/A: Frontend JavaScript is error free

N/A: GTM Code is in markup


N/A: Website meets WCAG 2.0 compliance

N/A: ARIA Landmark Roles specified

N/A: Semantic headings and structure used

N/A: Links are clearly recognisable and have :focus state

N/A: Images use appropriate ALT text

Note: Should be descriptive of the image

N/A: Alternatives provided for users with Javascript disabled

N/A: Associated label for all form controls

N/A: Colour contrast tested

N/A: Website has been checked with WAVE


N/A: Squish Test Pages

Note: Squish from 1920->320 wide. Note issues if you find any.


N/A: Images have been optimized

N/A: Lazyload images

Note: Including background images & non-essential scripts with Lazysizes (and unveilhooks plugin). These scripts are included in POD-Starter.

N/A: Run web page test and record results

Note:, first view, private test. Target time is 3s or less on a cable connection Target time is 3s or less on mobile Load times of over 6s will negatively impact SEO

Load time:

instagram facebook facebook2 pinterest twitter google-plus google linkedin2 yelp youtube phone location calendar share2 link star-full star star-half chevron-right chevron-left chevron-down chevron-up envelope fax