Highlights Services + Content


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras diam augue, porttitor ut arcu porttitor, volutpat elementum neque. Mauris vestibulum vel tortor sed malesuada. Aenean et dui sapien.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras diam augue, porttitor ut arcu porttitor, volutpat elementum neque. Mauris vestibulum vel tortor sed malesuada. Aenean et dui sapien.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras diam augue, porttitor ut arcu porttitor, volutpat elementum neque. Mauris vestibulum vel tortor sed malesuada. Aenean et dui sapien.

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  • The Nova section can be used as both a content section and a service section
  • This sections does not work with accordions as it will break the design and functionality of the section when they expand
  • The “+” sign is added with code and should not be apart of the image
  • A hover state should be applied if the section is used as a service section
  • The servicse section has been broken into a component based on the specific layout and functionality required. The reasons we need to use the specific component instead of creating the section from scratch is the following:
    1. We have preset have functionality built in
    2. Removing the image on mobile to reduce vertical scroll
    3. Converting to a button on mobile to reduce vertical scroll
    4. Accessibility, currently with Bootstrap Blocks these would throw empty link errors
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